
Tomorrow is election day and I am pensive, and even a little nervous.

I registered to vote, with help from my assistant. It was important to me to make the deadline, but I came close.

I have no idea who is going to become the President of the United States. I dont remember knowing if Clinton was going to win, or if it was all media or speculation. But tonight, this race, it's going to be close.

I honestly dont believe either one of them. I ultimately will vote based on my ideals, knowing that a love based culture still has a possiblity in this world. I have no idea who to believe, but I am choosing the opportunity to let change unfold, and hopefully bring greater peace to the planet.

I am a little nervous about the outcome, whichever direction, but I want a change. I want love and peace and faith and it may come at a cost, but the long term goal we could achieve is worth it.

Love love love...


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