Queer Eye for the Straight Girl


Macho runs deep in a man � and we women secretly love it. Gay or straight, we like men to be men, and we love it when they take care of us.

Last night, after watching Under the Tuscan Sun and deciding that I was moving to Italy � I received a phone call from Todd and Brian, my two favorite gay male friends in New York. We were chatting chatting chatting until finally Todd suggested coming over to my house to visit. It was 1:00am.

15 Minutes later � the men enter my apartment, shed their shirts to manage the sweltering heat in my non AC apartment, and got inspired to rearrange my furniture. That�s right. One big fat joint later, it was Queer Eye for the Straight Girl on 45th street. I had wanted to rearrange my furniture for oh so long! But felt helpless without the strength of a man near by to help me move it around. Specifically, the TV. I HATE HOOKING UP TVs � period. Cable, cords, computers, etc � I love to use them, hate to connect them.

Anyhow � cut to � I have a fabulous newly arranged apartment all to my sweet self! And I love it.

Todd also asked me to deliver the opening speech for his Broadway musical � Another Life?. What an honor! I am a little nervous, and I told him to think about and make sure he wanted me of all people � but I am very honored.

I may be alone, and sometimes lonely, but I feel loved by some really special people.


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