back to earth

Back to earth.

NYC is good, Im tired though, and starting to get sick. For the most part however I am happy, and feel motivated by my surroundings.

Everyone here is doing something fabulous, Im motivated to do the same. Im actually thinking about taking an acting class - or voice lessons... just because. Ive got some theater tucked in me somewhere!

Being a woman in NYC really is like Sex in the City. It really is.

People date here, they have casual sex, they see each other again, or never again - whichever. Ive been on a date with an Italian, a Brother, a white bread Connecticut boy, a blind date, a fashion designer, a trader, you name it! The city breeds all kinds.

Funny though, dating is tiresome. I think Im more into the "insta-relationships" -- when you just hit if off right away and you know it's right. I love instant love!

Im dreaming about love and kids all the time these days too. Scary.

Back to work.. need to finish to do some yoga.

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